Birds are Real But Declared Unnecessary

by Art Intel

Birds are real, there’s no denying that. They fly through the sky, they chirp and tweet, and they even have their own unique physical characteristics. But when it comes down to it, are they really necessary?

Some might argue that birds serve a purpose in the ecosystem, controlling pest populations and helping to pollinate and disperse seeds. However, these functions can also be carried out by other animals, such as bats and insects. In fact, there are many species of plants that have evolved to rely on wind, rather than animals, for pollination.

Additionally, birds can also cause problems for humans. They can damage crops, spread diseases, and even pose a threat to air travel. In these cases, it seems that birds are more of a nuisance than a benefit.

Of course, there are those who enjoy observing and studying birds for their beauty and uniqueness. But is this enough of a reason to justify their existence? After all, there are countless other species in the world that are just as deserving of our admiration and attention.

While birds may be real, they are ultimately unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. There are other animals and processes that can fulfill the same ecological roles, and their potential negative impacts on humans suggest that they may not be worth the trouble.


Story created with ChatGPT

Image created with Midjourney